estamos atentos :)

Está a decorrer em Bona, entre 12 e 16 de Maio, o World Congress on the Future of Food and Agriculture [link], organizado basicamente por aqueles neste calhau planetário que ainda se importam com algo mais do que o seu umbigo. O comité local é composto entre outros, por: GENET , GREENPEACE, FRIENDS OF THE EARTH, IFOAM , Initiative for GE-free Seeds and Breeding (IG Saatgut), Gene-ethic Network, Save Our Seeds, e pela Federation of German Scientists. Entre os temas discutidos estarão provavelmente o aumento do preço do pão e a recente crise do arroz.

Os pontos interessantes do programa são:

13 Maio
08:30-11:00: Welcome & Plenary Session: The Paradigm of Diversity
16:30-19:00: Plenary Session: Diversity at Work - Food Sovereignty and Small Farmers' Successes

14 Maio
08:30-11:00: Plenary Session: Regional self-determination Local, Diverse, GMO-free
16:15-18:00: Plenary Session: Seeds of hope
Information market (10 short presentations and subsequent discussion in small groups)
Evening delights in the lobby and garden, drinks, speakers corners, films, music

15 Maio
08:30-9:40: Plenary Session: Diversity and Climate Change
17:00-19:00: Plenary Session: Strategies for a Diverse Future

16 Maio
09:00-night: Last session of Biosafety Protocol negotiations and possible lobby efforts
11:00-12:00: Press Conference presenting the results of the Congress
13:00-14:30: Presentation of Conference results to the Participants of the Biosafety Protocol negotiations

1 comentários:

I.Maia disse...

you may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us
and the world will be as one!

Viva a diversidade! Viva a liberdade!